The Manchester Beliefs, Values and Attitudes, M-BVA, is the flagship programme of the Custos of Manchester, and is geared at promoting civic pride, promoting law and order, restoring core values and principles that make people and communities thrive, by inculcating positive Values and Attitudes in our people.
“There is Good in Our People, There is Good in Our Country, Let us Build a Better Jamaica”
Lt. Col. The Hon. Garfield S. Green, CD, JP
Manchester BVA
Office of the Custos
Businessman Garfield S. Green, JP was sworn in as Custos Rotulorum for the Parish of Manchester, during a brief ceremony at King’s House on Monday, 24 June 2019, by Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD, KSt.J, and
assumed office on 1 July 2019.
His core function as Custos of Manchester is to oversee activities in the parish that promote the rule of law, public order and civic pride. Mr Green will also have the responsibility for recommending and swearing-in Justices of the Peace in the Parish, and for supervising the execution of their legislative functions. As the Governor-General’s representative, he will also ensure that the Governor-General is well represented on occasions when he is unavailable to attend functions within the Parish.
Custos Green was officially installed as the Custos Rotulorum for the Parish of Manchester by the Governor-General in a Ceremony on Thursday, 29 August 2019.
Lt. Col. The Hon. Garfield S. Green, CD, JP
The Custos is The Governor-General’s representative in the Parish. It is his or her duty, in the absence of The Governor-General, to receive the Sovereign, members of the Royal Family, or Prime Minister on an official visit, or any important personage commended by The Governor-General. The Custos receives The Governor-General when he or she pays an official visit to the Parish.
The Custos represents The Governor-General at all National services and functions in the Parish. He or she usually reads The Governor-General’s Message as well as gives his own Message or Greeting.
The Custos also:
Acts as Chairman for the Manchester Justice of the Peace Association
Prepares the Magistrates’ Roll and ensures there are sufficient numbers of JPs to carry out the functions of the Lay Magistrates Courts
Meets with the Senior Parish Judge at the Court House at the Opening of the Circuit Court session to extend the courtesy of the Parish.
Prepares the Roster of Justices of the Peace for Petty Sessions and Juveniles.
Courts and Spirit Licenses Sessions and ensures that these Courts are
properly manned and sittings are conducted.
Collaborates with the Ministry of Justice to organize training of JPs in areas such as Dispute Resolution Techniques, Mediation, Community Counselling, and the Code of Conduct for JPs
The Custos:
• Chairs the Committee which recommends the appointment of persons to serve as Justices of the Peace. This Committee comprises the Parish Court Judge and the Senior Police Officer of the Parish.
• Serves as the Chief Lay Magistrate
• Transmits the recommendation for JPs to the Minister of Justice, who in turn makes the recommendation to The Governor-General.
• Chairs the Committee which recommends individuals to receive TheGovernor-General’s Achievement Awards
• Chairs the following Committees:
- Local government reform
- Community Consultative Committee, which has responsibility for the station-level committees.
- Visiting Committee for Police Lock-ups
- Victim Support Programme
- The Prime Minister’s Values and Attitudes Committee for the Parish
- Poppy Appeal Committee
- Boys’ Scout Movement
- Parish Development Committee
- Parish Road Safety Committee
Serves as:
Co-chair, along with the Mayor, of the Labour Day Committee.
Ex-official member of various Parish Boards and Organizations, such as the Jamaica Agricultural Society, Hospital Boards, or Friends of the Hospital.
Patron of Associations and Institutions associated with Education, Sports, and Libraries.
Local Ombudsman
Facilitator of the All-Jamaica Volunteer Programme, which
recruits volunteers for involvement in various areas of national life.