Concerned about the high levels of crime, indiscipline, the breakdown of law and order, and the low level of civic pride demonstrated in the society, Custos Green has taken on a leading role to help create attitudinal change and social revitalisation among our people, by fostering positive values and attitudes and a sense of social responsibility among citizens in the Parish.
To this end, he developed the Manchester Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes programme, M-BVA, and it was launched in November 2021 by Mr. Bruce Golding – former Prime Minister of Jamaica. The programme is designed to restore those core values and principles that make people and communities thrive and to influence people to have civic pride and patriotism for this island of Jamaica. To encourage people to have respect for themselves and for others, to foster a positive mindset, and to get us, whether individually or collectively, to make a positive difference.
The vision for a better Jamaica lies within regaining our lost basic values and attitudes, and in so doing, we should inculcate the norms and values of patriotism and social responsibility in our people, especially the youths.
The M-BVA is therefore geared at promoting civic pride in our society, building self-esteem and respect for self and for others, improving the standard of living for individuals, promoting law and order, and creating a better community for all.
There is hope, people can change, and I have a vision and drive to create a sense of self-assurance and patriotism in our people, and to help all of us to achieve our God-given potential. I therefore invite you to help me to create a society of shared core values of social responsibility.
The M-BVA is managed by a Secretariat which is charged with the responsibility to ensure accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency of the programme.